Importance Of Owning Your Own Domain Name

Your website is usually one of the most precious pieces of internet marketing property a business owns so protecting it is important.If you do not own your domain, any money and effort you spent in building it as well as marketing it are not under you control.Whoever owns the domain can simply walk off with it or take control over itIf the domain is owned by your marketing agency or web designer, they can hold it hostage and make it really difficult for you to leave them.Think of it like not being on the deed to your house but your…

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How To Not Get Screwed By A Web Design Company

I am sure the title of this page may cause a little controversy but in this day and age we still come across web design companies that are screwing business owners out of their hard earned money especially small business seems to be a target. So what inspired this is that we are currently working with a client that paid for someone to stand up a website for their business and now that its been 2 months past the actual date that the site was promised they are still struggling with out a proper website.This made us decide to write…

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Was There A Google Update New Years?

There was chatter in the SEO community as to if there was a Google update New Year’s Eve? The monitors and Search Engine journal say no. This just made me think about how much freak out happens about Google updating their algorithm and is it really that scary?I think the answer is mixed. I have had 20 years’ worth of Google updates behind me and honestly very few have been as impactful as Panda and Penguin. Those were major for anyone that had been using what I would call a gray hat methodology. Which is where you did not exactly…

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Raise Your Hand If You Looked At Google Analytics Today & Thought Ohhh No!

So, like many of you first thing this morning I am going over stats to see how things are looking. It’s kind of my routine look at traffic look at rankings and then start the day.Well today I look, and I see a giant drop in traffic to some of my sites that usually are pretty rock solid, and the coffee just did not taste as good! Google Analytics Traffic Reporting Glitch - Breathe Easy! Thanks to Search Engine Roundtable which I would recommend you subscribe to if you have an interest in what goes on in the world of…

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How To Fast Track Organic Rankings!

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting your site more visible in Google and other search engines without purchasing an ad to do it. It’s how people get organic rankings on Google Maps for local search or in the organic search results on a national level.If you are not familiar with this process it is not a fast track to getting immediate results. It is more of a long game meaning it takes time to get your site ranking. However, there are some ways that you can get faster results. This does not mean immediate but faster.…

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Using A Virtual Address For Your GMB Listing

Getting a Google My Business Listing also called a GMB listing is a vital piece of marketing your business online locally. The difficulty has become getting that listing using a virtual office or any location that would not be a full-time office or is just a mailing address that you do not actually work out of during business hours.There was a time not too long ago where a small business owner or start up could get a virtual office space and get a local listing in Google. Now a days this has become harder and harder as Google has gotten…

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Google Advice On Fixing Your Site After A Core Update

For the first time Google has decided to throw us a bone of sorts if your site got impacted by the last June core update in 2019. Well its not really much but hey its something!Their advice was cryptic which of course is not news to most of us. The initial message was that there is nothing to fix that since its a core update its not like a penalty and that there really is nothing to fix. So that is not much help to anyone. However there was mention of panda as well as the quality raters guidelines. So…

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Google Calling! Is it Really Now?

When someone calls you and says they are calling from google, unless you requested a call from Google to verify your Google My Business listing or Google Maps this is someone that is posing to be from google and is actually a telemarketer soliciting you so beware!So don't fall for the hype no matter how tempting it may seem. Just think " Can you trust someone that is posing as someone else with your marketing?" No is the correct answer here!Most small business owners are glad to get a call from Google and these posers know this and therefore try…

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