How to Find a Reliable SEO Provider

The evolution of the digital sphere has made it increasingly important for businesses to be found online. New websites being added online each day adds to the overwhelming population of possible competitors. Hiring a search engine optimization provider can be a challenging process, but we’ll walk you through what you should be considering before you begin working with an SEO marketing firm. Have Control Over Your Digital Assets Your website, social media channels, and other online accounts should all be owned by you, the business owner. Never put yourself in a position where a web designer or marketer has ownership…

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Is Now The Time To Start Selling Online?

You're probably asking yourself why would I want to invest in doing something online like an e-commerce shop and what are the upsides as well as the downsides of selling products online? As I am writing this we are in the mists of the COVID19 virus and businesses are suffering the effects of the necessary stay home orders that are being issued all over the world to stop this pandemic from spreading.So what can you do to save your business from perishing during this worldwide crisis? Could online presence with a shopping cart be the answer to your needs now as…

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Every Year…. SEO Is Dead! Well Its A Long Slow Death Then! LOL

Almost every year at the beginning of the year someone decides to let us know that SEO is dead! Well, it has been dead for over 10 years according to the Nostradamus's in marketing! SEO is very much alive and doing just fine! Thanks for asking :). Now optimizing for Google has become the name of the game. With its domination in the search engine space, it is the place you want to be visible. What we as an SEO Company do now compared to just 5 years ago has changed as we ever evolve to keep up with all…

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Can You Get Good SEO For $295

We live in a price centric world where I can shop and get pricing from a dozen places in mere minutes. So, it’s no wonder that people have gotten to the point where the cheapest wins a lot of the times but when it comes to having search engine optimization or internet marketing period is a cheap marketing solution really the best idea?That is what I want to talk about today. Sometimes cheap can lead to being more costly! I also want to cover what goes into doing SEO so that business owners and decision makers can get a better…

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Whats Wrong With “We Can Get Your Ranked On The 1st Page Of Google” Emails?

Beware of emails that start with 1st page of Google and what they promise! Usually these emails will start with some nice language and then let you know that your website does not rank on keywords which then goes into how this SEO company that has contacted you without you asking has a plan to save you on the internet and make you visible and ranking on keywords! Here is a sample of a 1s page of Google Emails we received today! “Hello, I was going through your website and I found it impressive!!! However, when I search for your…

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How To Fast Track Organic Rankings!

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting your site more visible in Google and other search engines without purchasing an ad to do it. It’s how people get organic rankings on Google Maps for local search or in the organic search results on a national level.If you are not familiar with this process it is not a fast track to getting immediate results. It is more of a long game meaning it takes time to get your site ranking. However, there are some ways that you can get faster results. This does not mean immediate but faster.…

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Google Advice On Fixing Your Site After A Core Update

For the first time Google has decided to throw us a bone of sorts if your site got impacted by the last June core update in 2019. Well its not really much but hey its something!Their advice was cryptic which of course is not news to most of us. The initial message was that there is nothing to fix that since its a core update its not like a penalty and that there really is nothing to fix. So that is not much help to anyone. However there was mention of panda as well as the quality raters guidelines. So…

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Google Calling! Is it Really Now?

When someone calls you and says they are calling from google, unless you requested a call from Google to verify your Google My Business listing or Google Maps this is someone that is posing to be from google and is actually a telemarketer soliciting you so beware!So don't fall for the hype no matter how tempting it may seem. Just think " Can you trust someone that is posing as someone else with your marketing?" No is the correct answer here!Most small business owners are glad to get a call from Google and these posers know this and therefore try…

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